Training Package Jukola 2025 - Official Trainings
Welcome to prepare for upcoming Jukola in Mikkeli
Avaa tästä suomenkieliset tilausohjeet
By clicking the icons the information pages will be shown including descriptions and locations of the trainings as well as the possibility to add the training into your shopping cart.
As delivery methods we offer mailing and pickup from K-Supermarket Karikko (Karikontie 1, Mikkeli). Orders received by 12.00 noon on weekdays will be mailed the same day, or they can be picked up after 5pm from a locker from K-Supermarket. The customers with a Finnish phone number will receive a text message with pickup instructions and an unlock code. If the locker is full, maps will be given (by showing ID card) from the most right cash register, when you come to the cash registers from the store side.
Foreign customers won't receive a text message with the locker code --> for them the maps can be picked up (by showing ID card) from the most right cash register when you come from the store side.
Note! Orders for overseas mailing must be placed a couple of weeks before to ensure that the mailing reaches its destination in time!
Maps 10 €/piece (mailing +10 € /mail). The online store is also available in English.
Printable Training Bulletin is available and will be updated when changes occur. You can download and print the Bulletin by yourself or order it preprinted (10 €).
Note! Clubs can make orders of at least 30 maps by sending an order form, in which case the invoice will be sent to the club afterwards. The maps will be mailed within a couple of days of ordering.
--> Send a club order (at least 30 maps)
If you notice any complains related to courses (missing control etc.), please report it:
If you haven't got a locker code or maps, please contact:
Questions related to Mikkeli-Jukola 2025:
Mikkeli-Jukola 2025 websites: Mikkeli-Jukola 2025
Copying training maps is strictly forbidden!
Note! The map files (JPEG/PNG) containing forkings are available for teams interested in organizing private GPS tracking for their athletes. The folder is intended for elite orienteers only and will be delivered to the elite team coach upon request via email:
We use plastic pipes including reflectors and control tags in official trainings. Here is an example.